Know Thy Resources: How Artificial Intelligence is Powering the Future Direction of Publishing


The impacts of digitization, the internet, and e-book readers on the future of publishing stem from one common challenge: data volumes are exploding. More data has been created in the past two years than in the entire previous history of the human race. By the year 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human being on the planet. By then, our accumulated digital universe of data will grow to 44 trillion gigabytes. This is particularly prescient for the roles of publishers charged with acquiring, managing, marketing, and distributing content, as that content is increasing not only in volume, but diversity of formats from traditional print in both letterpress and on demand, to digital sources such as e-books and multimodal texts with animation, video, and audio. Join Yewno for an exploration of how artificial intelligence technology can read and store full text in order to guarantee a much more granular level of understanding content than traditional methods of taxonomy. Yewno’s Unearth platform is a tool for enhanced content management, and is designed to facilitate the understanding, categorization, and cataloging of written material. Unearth provides insights into content collections and identifies cross-disciplinary trends, enabling publishers to better understand and leverage their collections. Among many possible applications, Yewno’s semantic intelligence and enhanced categorization allow for easier updates to categorization data, targeted improved content acquisition, guidance for strategic publishing initiatives, more intelligent marketing campaigns, shortened sales cycles, and the ability to create tailored packages and proactive promotions.


Manisha Bolina
Channel Partner Manager - UK and Europe, Business Development, Yewno, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Publishing Practices: Past, Present, and Future


Publishers, Digitization, Roles