Information Literacy Education: A Framework of Developing Twenty-first Century Skills and Competencies


In the 21st century, driven by multiple factors, the core competency model based on personal development and lifelong-learning has gradually replaced the traditional curriculum standard system based on subject knowledge structure. The ranges of core competencies in different countries show certain commonalities and more emphasis on critical thinking and information literacy. Take China as an example. In September 2016, the Core Competencies and Values for Chinese Students’ Development was officially released. Under the Core Competencies and Values for Chinese Students’ Development, information literacy is an important component of core competencies. Information literacy education contributes to cultivating other core competencies. With the basic education entering a new stage, the information literacy education in China has also started a new chapter. The information literacy education in China also faces four major innovations. Firstly, about the innovation in content, it’s needed to consider how to break down the training objectives of competencies into the advanced goal of cultivating information literacy. Secondly, about the innovation in education practice, it’s needed to consider how a purely information literacy course fits into the subject curriculum and extracurricular activities. Thirdly, about the innovation in educational mechanism, it’s needed to think about how to incorporate information literacy into various aspects of assessment. Fourthly, in terms of the innovation in educational system, it is imperative for relevant institutions to establish a supportive system of information literacy education.


Naiyi Yang


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Reading, Writing, Literacy, and Learning


Information Literacy Education