Arts Integration During Lockdowns And Isolation: One Professor's Success With Arts-based Discussion and Research Within an Online Context


This presentation shares how I transformed a typical, online discussion board for undergraduate students, into a creative space where they explored provocations and peer-posts through the arts (art, dance, drama and music). It also explores how I revised an arts-based research project, originally designed for in-person delivery, to become a digital exploration and collective creation shared online. I show examples of how students used technology to capture and submit digital versions of their creative work, while collectively pondering issues and topics related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through this, they encountered an expressive outlet for managing the uncertainty and angst triggered by lockdowns and political turmoil. At the same time, they formed an unexpected community of support and shared experience, despite social isolation. With my students’ permission, I am able to share images, video, and narratives that illustrate successful ways to integrate the arts into an online course. Through this, you can understand the profound effect this had on a group of individuals ranging in artistic experience from “extremely limited” to “professional,” and witness the unique bond that formed through their shared, aesthetic encounters.


Brittany Harker Martin
Associate Professor, Leadership, Policy and Governance, Arts Education, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


Pedagogies of the Arts


Arts-Integration, Online-Learning, Arts-Based-Research, Arts-Based-Discussion, Covid-19-Pandemic