Contemporary Moroccan Ritual Dance: An Experience of a Fluid, Cultural Dance Narrative that has the Ability to Create and Heal Individuals and Community through a Universal Experience of Ecstasy


Based in traditional Moroccan Berber dance, contemporary Moroccan ritual dance has roots not only in ancient, pre-Islamic fertility rituals, but also in modern day Shikaat (Romangi), and street (cha’abi) dance styles. Together, dance elements from these three styles combine to form a dance that is powerful, beautiful, spiritual, healing and meditative form of personal and public dance. This dance contains not only the intent and elements of ritual, but also improvisational expression and gesture that embraces individual expression beyond cultural narratives. After a brief introduction into my background an the cultural/historical background of dance, including a discussion of movement and music and costuming, participants of this workshop will learn movements of Berber, shikaat, and cha’abi dance,styles including fantastic hip shimmies, circles, turns, hair movements and meaningful gestures to entrancing traditional Shikaat music of Hamid Ezzahir. Although, traditionally danced by women, all are welcome to participate. No experience or previous dance experience required. Participants of all ages and levels of ability encouraged to attend. Having a 2 ½ -3 yard rectangular scarf or other dance belt or shawl available to wear to class to outline hip movement, is desirable but not required.


Kristina Koutsoudas
Artistic Director, DivineDances, Texas, United States