The Internet as a Living Art Gallery: An Example of Polish Socially Engaged Internet Creativity


Global Web, focused on lively interaction with the user and his direct participation in the creation of internet culture has resulted in a dynamic development of grassroots unprofessional artistic practices based on new technologies. The vast majority of them can be viewed on the most popular social networks such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Twitch. Increasingly a greater number of analyzes of these activities indicates not only their culture-forming potential, but also aesthetic. It is an important source of references also for creative circles, which basically assumed the role of a netnographer from the very beginning of the Internet’s mass empowerment. During my study, I draw attention to the growing assimilation of today’s Internet artists with the environment of Internet users. At the same time - in my opinion, more and more interesting from the perspective of new media aesthetics, artistic practices of non-professional Internet creators. I base my observations on the Polish network environment, for which the network is an excellent field for free commenting on current socio-political problems in the country. I traverse the Internet like a modern art gallery offering its viewers a lively and extremely dynamic exhibition of socially engaged art. An exhibition where both the activities of professional and non-professional artists interact in an egalitarian and heterogeneous way.


Magda Górska
PhD Student, Faculty of Fine Arts, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Kujawsko-pomorskie, Poland


Presentation Type

Poster Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Internet art Internet community Polish contemporary art