Sign and Narrative in Romanian Textile Arts


The Romanian textile arts of the twentieth century balanced through artistic expression between realism and innovation, between iconicity and plastic symbolism. One of the most interesting hypostases of visual semiotics observed in this field is the biunivocal state between sign and narrative in the same plastic work, the condition of iconic sign of the narrative or narrativity of the frieze of symbolic signs. At the same time, the openness to innovation, specific to the twenty-first century, brings into question the major changes in the message through plastic language. The paper presents the comparative analysis of two Romanian monumental works, in the art of haute-lisse tapestry and the observation of the dreamlike narrative in tapestry as an artistic vector of environmental design. In the research of the current student experience, the results of the scientific approach will highlight the modern approach of the analysis of the narrativity of symbolic signs, compared to the iconic semantics of the narratives of the experiments of the young generation of textile artists. The dialogue of semantic values in the Romanian tapestry between two generations of artists can be a story of a manifest meaning and attitude for a change of artistic paradigm.


Marlena Pop
Senior Researcher - Manager, Textile Arts Research, Humanities & Design Center for the Creative Industries, Bucuresti, Romania


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2022 Special Focus—-History/Histories: From the Limits of Representation to the Boundaries of Narrative


Narrative, Signs, Textile, Arts, Research