Surprise Art - Initiation Experiment Using Art: Art as Connection to Our Soul and to Other People's Souls


The aim of my initiation practice of Surprise Art is simply to experiment getting in touch with the feeling of being true and connected with yourself for internal discovery and harmony as well as finding through the same exercise a connection with other people on a natural intuitive and archaically primordial level. How does it happen? My approach is to use a method similar to ancient initiation of Transformation, of passage between two different stages in life and states of mind. It consists of simple abstract art exercises. We will use the Wet on Wet watercolor technique which I call Surprise Art in order to invite every unbiased mind to participate.The exercises will take approximately 15 minutes and then a reflection time will be given to first rationalize the unconscious results of the exercise and then a discussion could be initiated about: Do we realize the potential of genuine art expression and connection with our true self and with others for education, social integration, general welfare and even planning the future at large scale. Could we analyze the reason this kind of tool is so effective in connecting us with ourselves and with society? Could it be used more widely and in different versions?


Mariangela Anastassova
Art Instructor, Anglo-American School of Sofia, Sofia-Grad, Bulgaria


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Initiation, Genuine, True Connection, Transformation, Intuitive harmony, Tool for Society