Alienation? Rebellion? Depraved?: A Brief Analysis for the Spatial Connotation of Immersive Drama


Could immersive drama only be a contemporary or futuristic representation? Why does it has such a special position in contemporary experimental drama? Using some new spatial composition methods, it conveys different intentions which has deep correlation with historical artistic practicing, and inheriting the philosophical thinking that has existed at the beginning of modernist movement. Today, with the background of the generalization for art and aesthetics, the subject has already gone beyond the thought of pure literature and art but it is still necessary to focus on the complex expression of the theme.


Wangyue Whitney
Student, MA, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jiangsu, China


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Arts Histories and Theories


Immersive drama; Theater space; Experimental drama; Avant-garde drama; Spatial reconstruction