Spontaneous Environments in Rural Areas : Espacio Comün (Nalda, La Rioja) Case Study


At this time Espacio Comün is focused on generating spaces to act as an incubator and serve as a reference for cultural activities that can arise from the rural environment and serve for it or for the city or become an enabler of rural-city alliances. With the people, we work with we detect a need to promote employment and self-employment, to accompany ideas and projects that are born and that can become strengths in the towns and serve as an oxygen bubble for people who return from the city with difficulties. The place was offered to local artists of Nalda and its surroundings by the agricultural cooperative and the PANAL Association. We need a development center where people can develop projects and train through accompanied experiences that even allow them to make mistakes without risk, as well as a place to promote generational change in the countryside, with social innovation and respect for the environment. As one of the 13 artists who are currently coworking in Espacio Comün and linked as it is with my thesis in the making, I present this case study as one alternative use of old buildings to contemporary uses rooted in a local ambiance as is Nalda.


Sofía Moreno Domínguez
Student, Leisure, Culture and Communication for Human Development PhD, University of Deusto, Vizcaya, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Rural Development; Rural Artivism; Coworking; Audience Development; Rooting; Local Development