The Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Art Scientific School: Art and Scientific Research Together for Society


CRS4 (, is a Sardinian (Italy) interdisciplinary research center from 1990 promoting the study, development and application of innovative solutions to problems stemming from natural, social and industrial environments. Information Society and Technology and High Performance Computing are the supporting foundations. Initially headed by the Nobel Prize in Physics Carlo Rubbia, the research center was the protagonist of the digital revolution of the 90s in Italy, as the center that favored the birth and development of the first Italian internet provider (Tiscali). With the aim of investigating and fostering the link between Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Art, a scientific school has been promoted and addressed to researchers, humanists, artists, and all those working in the field of digital art, sharing the interest in this area which embraces, with equal dignity, scientific and artistic issues, in order to provide learners with a vision of art linked to human and computational creativity. The “EIA scientific school”, which has already been held in two editions: one pre-pandemic and one post-pandemic. was born from the awareness of the opportunities that can be opened when Research turns to new collaborative forms and invades mainly creative areas. The potential of this methodology lies in the ability to subvert the still all-Italian paradigm of scientific research detached from artistic practices, searching new interactions between digital, biological, cultural and spiritual systems, between cyberspace and real space, as in the truly post-digital conception.


Nicoletta Zonchello
Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, CRS4, Cagliari, Italy

Felice Colucci
Researcher, ICT, CRS4, Cagliari, Italy


Presentation Type

Poster Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Artificial intelligence, Art, Digital Art, Research, Transdisciplinarity, Artistic Practices, Creativity