Embodied Knowledge - Balinese Master Teachers Train University Students: A Case Study of the Asian Theatre Program at the University of Hawaiʻi


The paper provides an analysis of the training process involved in the artistic collaboration between Balinese master teachers and university students in the creation of a traditional Balinese dance-drama and puppetry production of “The Last King of Bali”. The production integrated traditional Balinese training methods and rehearsal processes by hosting three master teachers as artists-in-residence for a duration of eight months. The master teachers led the training of a large student cast, culminating in the public performances of a Balinese babad tale featuring traditional and contemporary compositions, choreographies, and shadow puppetry. This paper analyses the process of developing and refining the artistic expression of the narrative material through Balinese music, dance, and shadow puppetry. A special focus is directed towards the shadow acting aspect, in which actors learned to manipulate their own shadows in a fashion inspired by shadow puppetry; they also interacted with puppets of various sizes, with shadow scenery, and with special effects. Actors had to learn how to create an “out-of-body” presentational style: controlling their own shadow on the screen, while infusing that shadow with the emotions of their characters. Sections of a newly released documentary on the “behind-the-scenes” creative process will accompany the paper to illustrate key points in the training process by the master teachers from Bali.


Kirstin Pauka
Professor, Theatre and Dance, University of Hawaii, Hawaii, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Theatre Training, Cross-cultural Education, Asian Performing Arts, Educational Outreach Programming