Tactile Illustration: An Alternative to Graphical Illustration and Aid for Visually Impaired Children


Tactile graphics are regular line drawings with raised or elevated lines to make them recognizable through touch. They may also contain textured areas and braille text and numbers as labels. Visual elements are commonly overlaid for students who have some usable vision. However, most of the students with visual impairment are only provided with braille and audio versions of educational content. These texts and sound do not generate any visual information in the mind of the visually impaired (V.I) students. Hence they find it difficult to forge a relationship between the textual content with the objects around them in their daily life. In the present study, the researcher introduces tactile illustrations to students with visual impairment to test the significance of tactile illustrations in enabling their understanding of the taught content. This paper focuses on the importance and role of tactile illustration in the education of visually impaired children. In the present intervention, the researcher developed tactile illustrations with an array of textures and contoured lines and presented it to randomly selected children with visual impairments. To evaluate the effect the researcher used embedded mixed-methods consisting of questionnaires and experiments to interview the three visually impaired participants studying in the third grade at an educational institution for visually impaired children. Considering the positive response of the participants as well as the test results the researcher recommends the use of tactile illustrations in the school textbooks for VI students at the elementary level to enable and enhance their learning.


Nikhil Sharma
Student, Post Graduation, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Tactile Illustrations, Visually Impaired, Illustration, Teaching Aid