The Artist in the Machine: Human/Artificial Intelligence Collaboration in Virtual Reality Documentary Filmmaking


This paper explores how recent technological developments have made it possible for artists to collaborate with artificial intelligence (AI) as part of the creative process and discusses which machine learning tools and arts computing practices can be used to contribute to narrative and aesthetic. The research explores how the artist, as non-programmer, can collaborate with AI to reimagine the creative process and specifically explores how human/ai collaborations are a valuable device when creating experimental, immersive documentary films for virtual reality (VR).


Voyce Sabrina Durling Jones
Student, PhD Candidate, Media Art & Creative Technologies, RISEBA University, Riga, Latvia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Artist, AI, Collaboration, ML, Experimental, Documentary, Immersive, VR, Film, Aesthetics