Adapting to Scale: Transforming Large Lecture Classes in Art and Design Education


Large lecture classes come in for necessary criticism, particularly in art and design contexts where small studio classes are highly valued. As faculty delivering curriculum to the entire first year student body, we present our story of collaboratively creating a large lecture class that feels more like a small one. Our methods have been multiple and responsive, but include a concerted effort to build in vulnerability and kindness, to focus on conversational style, and to approach a conventional art historical timeline in a self-reflexive way — all through a linked curriculum model that takes into account the labour conditions of a small university. Our large lecture model becomes a space to incite curiosity for new Ways of Seeing, Learning, and Knowing as well as a site for transformative justice. We co-author group agreements with students to create reciprocity and highlight instructor vulnerability by revealing the impossibility of intellectual scope, and issuing invitations to learn alongside, not from instructors. We talk about how we create an anti-imperial critique through contemporary art examples, cultural studies analyses, and diverse literary texts that challenge Eurocentric structures, but also explain our decision to adhere to a conventional timeline out of a commitment to distributive justice. Our approach undoes the expert model, focuses on conversation and collaboration, uses writing as a process-based, iterative, experiment-driven activity to develop critical literacy and prepare students for their lived realities, and to undo the vocationalization of art school education.


Jacqueline Turner
Faculty Writing Specialist, Faculty of Culture and Community , Emily Carr University of Art + Design , British Columbia, Canada

Jamie Hilder
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Culture and Community, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, British Columbia, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Critical Literacy, Linked Curriculum, Labour, Collaboration, Critical Pedagogy