Academic Performance in the Field of Study of Theater: Research Policies


University theater schools in Chile have a particular relationship with current research policies. on the one hand, body practice plays a fundamental role in theater research based on epistemological and methodological positions that are far from those discourses that tend to the standardization observed in current research policies. On the other hand, theater as a study program inserted in the university environment, responds to a historical and cultural context that can be differentiated into two moments. In the first moment, the state has a fundamental presence in the opening of artistic careers and in the second moment, the reform of higher education that was carried out in 1981 in the midst of the civic-military dictatorship configured a university system subject to the market which allowed the creation of theater schools in private universities. Summing up, the particularities of theater careers in terms of their epistemological and methodological discussions, as well as their context, will be fundamental to consider in order to understand their relationship with research policies. The objective that guides this research is to recognize how research policies shape academic performativity in the field of study of theater. To respond to this objective, the sources used for the development of digital ethnography are detailed in the methodology and finally the discussions and conclusions regarding how research policies in Chile recognize the field of study of theater are presented.


Marisol Campillay Llanos
Estudiante, Facultad de Educación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Performativity Academic University theater Academy Performance arts Research policies