Alternative Feminine Narratives: Diffusion Effect


Feminine - this concept creates an ambivalent chain of definitions in the modern world. This paper presents an alternative feminine narrative that has been developed as a result of study of the work of immigrant Georgian female artists (in the framework of fundamental research project “Integration and Identity – Georgian artists abroad”). It presents an attempt to interpret the involvement, concepts, and different creative approaches of immigrant Georgian female artists (Tea Gvetadze, Maia Naveriani, Salome Machaidze, Tamar Khundadze (Tamara K.E.), Anna Edzgveradze (Anna K.E.), Nino Sakanelidze, Nana Chichua) abroad (European and American countries), based on research. Such linking in scientific research is possible through interpretative and analytical theory of “diffusion effect”. The term diffusion comes from the natural sciences - a borrowed concept from the field of physics, it intersects with the perception of individuality and sensuality. The effect of diffusion, in this case in a metaphorical sense of a physical event, indicates the continuous driving cycle that develops a series of mixing, probing, and overflowing monologues beyond the boundaries of isolated spaces. Different artistic practices discussed in essay are shaped with theoretical analysis (reflecting on concepts by Virginia Woolf, Julia Kristeva, Hanna Arendt, Michel Foucault); Thesis represents the “fluidity” of visual-conceptual artistic practices in space, from room to room, from micro universe to macro universe… In such creative process of the diffusion structure, an intuitive, non-constructive, but sensual, emotional, desire-based feminine structures play active role. Maybe this is one of the new perceptions of the modern world?


Mariam Shergelashvili
Student, Master, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—-History/Histories: From the Limits of Representation to the Boundaries of Narrative

