Building School Connectedness through Extracurricular Arts : Using Arts Collaboration to Promote Social and Emotional Growth


This research reflects the observation of increased student feelings of disconnectedness from school. There is a clear demand for schools to meet the developmental needs of students in regards to their mental health in order to promote a positive view of their school experience. One way to develop a positive view of the school experience is to use collaborative arts to support feelings of school connectedness. This can be done through extracurricular arts clubs. Creating art is both a space for emotional exploration and collaboration. When students feel safe to explore their emotions and have the support of their peers and other school staff, it can be leveraged to promote school connectedness and engagement.


Catherine Dozier
Teacher, 5th Grade General Curriculum , Pine Island Academy, Florida, United States

Kimberly Thomas
Student, Phd - teaching and learning, Clemson Univerisity, South Carolina, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Pedagogies of the Arts


Extracurricular, SEL, Education, Collaboration, Engagement