Citizenship in a Diverse Democracy: Facilitating Awareness and Goodwill Through Making


Experiences outside our way of knowing are vital to the development of citizenship. Such moments reveal new ideas, expose circumstances and foster compassion. New-found knowledge can stimulate a sense of awareness not previously realized, promoting acceptance and support. Practices associated with visual art provide rich opportunities for these types of experiences to unfold. The act of making can extend beyond the individual, allowing students to connect with groups or people they are unfamiliar with. How does the student navigate meeting, learning and working with someone they have not met before and whose viewpoints may differ from their own? What happens when we ask our students to learn about someone so they can make something with or for that person? What types of relationships are formed and what are the benefits to both student and collaborator? This showcase focuses on a pedagogy that reaches beyond the basics of disseminating information in order to achieve community engaged experiences that promote respect and responsibility for an inclusive society.


Laura Mongiovi
Professor, Visual and Performing Arts, Flagler College, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


Pedagogies of the Arts


Pedagogy, Making, Goodwill, Community Engagement, Citizenship, Diversity