Theatre "Arts" For All: Creating Inclusive Sensory Friendly Arts Opportunities


We as an industry can extend our artistic impact and reach if we lower our barriers to participation. Have you ever wondered just what goes into creating a sensory friendly arts experience or performance? Have you wanted to produce art for all but don’t know where to start? Do you need help presenting this idea to your own arts management team? We’ll answer all of these questions and more while walking you through step-by-step what it takes to produce a theatre for all performance. Participants will be divided into teams each charged with presenting their first arts for all production or experience. We’ll help groups identify funding sources, community allies, barriers to be illuminated, and adjustments to be made to make your performance a success. Most importantly, we’ll show you just how easy it is to make art for ALL! Learning Objectives: 1. Be able to outline the framework of producing sensory friendly arts experiences 2. Be able to identify the tools necessary, from community engagement to technical requirements, too successfully produce a successful sensory friendly performance 3. Become a stronger ally for “Arts For All” 4. Be able to identify small changes you can make in your own arts community now to be more inclusive and equitable.


William Digneit
Department Head/ Director Forest Roberts Theatre, College of Arts and Sciences/ Theatre and Dance Department, Northern Michigan University, Michigan, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Inclusion, Access, Social Responsibility, Diversity