Culture Mapping In Creative Domains: Arts and Study Abroad


Sensorial encounters of memory and mapping in unfamiliar places is about the journey. Often, without knowing a language, cultural nuances, and education culture specific to a global region, discovering places of identity and cultural resonance through the senses, enlivens research and pedagogical practice. This creative practice showcase demonstrates pedagogical tools one can use while teaching or researching abroad. Situated in several global spaces, teaching abroad offers a new way of experiencing dynamic learning immersion. This showcase discusses my researching and teaching journey with students who were eager to learn about visual art, as we moved forward in learning together through culture mapping, Virtual Exchange (Piggybacking), and exploration, we all had to leave presuppositions and assumptions behind, that both disturbed and invigorated what we would come to know about ourselves, cultures, known and unknown, and art. Using our senses, findings common understandings of meaning and identity, This presentation describes journeys, give examples, and shares how we can come to know through memory, the senses, and culture mapping.


Heidi Powell
Director, Art and Art History, University of Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


Pedagogies of the Arts


Culture mapping, Memory, Virtual Exchange, Piggybacking, Senses, Pedagogy, Research