Posthuman and Postsignificance: The Crisis of the Subject as a Crisis of Meaning


It is said that Postmodernity is a time of crisis of the meaning. It is, maybe, because it is also a time of crisis of the subject. The rising non-anthropocentric paradigms aim to erase any sign of man as a transcendental subject. The sense of the world disappears when the subject disappears, at the same time that the subject disappears when the world becomes totally autonomous and objective because of technology. The subject has dissolved as basis, as will, as representation, as form, as achievement, and as freedom. The whole history of humanity and the world has only one meaning for human reason. The new world will be a world that will be totally mathematized and calculated, totally realized and transparent, but that will no longer have a meaning. A fully operational world, which will no longer have possible representation. A totally objective world, so objective that there will no longer be anyone to see it, as there will no longer be a subject or subjectivity.


Mane Tatulyan
Student, Masters in Applied Philosphy, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Capital Federal, Argentina


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


2022 Special Focus—-History/Histories: From the Limits of Representation to the Boundaries of Narrative


Posthumanism, Anthropocentrism, Technology, Meaning, Subjectivity