Performance Art Looking at Identity and Technology


Using performance art as intervention, I look at the relationship between humans and their technology. In this paper, I create a conceptual framework for interaction with a cross-section of people, raising related questions and ideas about identity and technology. I show that performance art can be used to encourage people to recognize the non-stop effects of evolving technology on human behaviour and relationships. My investigations involve aspects of art, sociology and psychology, including the phenomenological and existential perspective of Nietzsche. Methods of my inter-active performance art are qualitative, communicating via interviews and discussion, both face to face and through social media and e-mail. As a practising artist I strive to go beyond “Representation”. Measuring the effectiveness of my interactive performance is an integral part of the process. These performances are fruitful experiences for my participants. They are willing to interact with me about identity, human behaviour, and technology. Regarding the electronic media, many of them express a perfusion of inner paradoxes, a landscape of liminal space without distinctions. Can the Internet expand the heritage of performance art, positively, to a global audience?


Eveline Boudreau
Independent Artist, CARFAC, Saskatchewan, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Performance Art, Identity, New Media, Communication, Interaction