The Emergence of Eating Halal in America


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  • Title: The Emergence of Eating Halal in America: What It Means to Our Food Culture and Who Is Following This Dietary Practice from Farm to Fork
  • Author(s): Yvonne Maffei, MA
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: Food Studies
  • Journal Title: Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal
  • Keywords: Halal, Organic, Sustainable, Consumer Behavior, Muslims, Islam, Kosher, Free-range, Farmers, Animal Welfare
  • Volume: 2
  • Issue: 4
  • Date: January 03, 2014
  • ISSN: 2160-1933 (Print)
  • ISSN: 2160-1941 (Online)
  • DOI:
  • Citation: Maffei, MA, Yvonne. 2014. "The Emergence of Eating Halal in America: What It Means to Our Food Culture and Who Is Following This Dietary Practice from Farm to Fork." Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2 (4): 19-26. doi:10.18848/2160-1933/CGP/v02i04/58077.
  • Extent: 8 pages

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Halal food is a dietary guideline of the Islamic faith which prohibits pork, alcohol, and a number of other ingredients. It's followed by Muslims all over the world and by those in the United States. Because many of the food rules surrounding halal are in line with the mainstream American (and global) food movement surrounding sustainability in agricultural practices as well as being humane towards animals, many people who didn't follow eating halal before are showing interest in it now, even those outside of the Islamic faith. With the emergence of halal-certified products (particularly those that are organic, free-range, and antibiotic-free) in the U.S. market, this is becoming more accessible to the halal consumer. This paper discusses how this new food market is shaping consumer habits, purchases, sustainable agricultural practices among farmers, and the overall food culture in the melting pot of America.