Genres in Internet Literature

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The purpose of this study is to reveal the key characteristics of the genres of myth, fairy tale, and fantasy in the context of internet literature. To achieve the objectives of the article, analytical and comparative research methods were used, the analysis of literary sources was performed, the dialectical approach to the comparative analysis of genres and the interrelationships between them contributed to a deep understanding of their essence and features. The article establishes that the genre of myth in internet literature retains its mystical and religious nature but is also marked by its interaction with other genres and elements of the virtual environment. The fairy tale in internet literature has taken on new forms and themes, while retaining its magical appeal. The fantasy genre, although it remains within the mythologeme, shows the ability to transform and innovate, adapting under the influence of new technologies. The results of this study will contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of the genres of myth, fairy tale, and fantasy in internet literature and will help writers, readers, and scholars better understand the characteristics and impact of these genres on the contemporary literary milieu. This article can serve as a basis for further research in the field of contemporary literary creation and literary criticism.