Exploring Interculturalism in Language Education

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  • Title: Exploring Interculturalism in Language Education: Unveiling the Role of English as a Lingua Franca–Aware Teachers
  • Author(s): Amir Ghajarieh, Samaneh Safiyar
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: New Directions in the Humanities
  • Journal Title: The International Journal of Humanities Education
  • Keywords: Intercultural Communication, ELF-Awareness, EFL/ESP Teachers, Online Classes, TEFL
  • Volume: 22
  • Issue: 1
  • Date: September 13, 2023
  • ISSN: 2327-0063 (Print)
  • ISSN: 2327-2457 (Online)
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.18848/2327-0063/CGP/v22i01/77-93
  • Citation: Ghajarieh, Amir, and Samaneh Safiyar. 2023. "Exploring Interculturalism in Language Education: Unveiling the Role of English as a Lingua Franca–Aware Teachers." The International Journal of Humanities Education 22 (1): 77-93. doi:10.18848/2327-0063/CGP/v22i01/77-93.
  • Extent: 17 pages

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This research study aims to examine the influence of workshops on enhancing the knowledge of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and intercultural sensitivity (IS) among teachers in Iran. An overall total of thirty-five educators, comprising both EFL (English as a Foreign Language) and ESP (English for Specific Purposes) teachers, actively participated in workshops specifically designed to enhance their understanding of ICC and IS. Furthermore, five EFL and five ESP teachers participating in the workshops underwent semi-structured interviews to evaluate their knowledge of ICC and IS subsequent to the workshops. The findings of this study underscore the potential of intervention workshops to positively impact in-service teacher education programs. By implementing a cascading approach, these workshops effectively promote awareness of ICC within language education. This not only equips teachers with the necessary skills to navigate English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) but also empowers them to continuously improve their teaching practices. Consequently, the incorporation of such workshops in teacher training programs can contribute to the professional development and advancement of educators, ultimately benefiting both teachers and their students.