Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence involves abuse imposed on one partner by another to establish power or to induce pleasure. The Power and Control Wheel educates both the victims and abusers about abusive behavior governing domestic violence. Abir Mukherjee’s Death in the East (2019) narrates the story of Captain Wyndham, the protagonist, who is on a quest to get rid of his opium addiction in Assam. He meets a person from his past, Caine/Carter, who is accused of murder. Wyndham decides to arrest Carter, but he finds out that Carter has been murdered. Wyndham and Sergeant Surrender-not Banerjee, camaraderie, try to solve the murder mystery, which eventually allows them to reveal the hidden truth. In recent years, the evidence of domestic abuse has been presented in cases such as the defamation case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. This case signifies the importance of this study. This paper tries to address intimate partner violence predominantly exists in society through the novel, Death in the East, and throws light on domestic violence as a social misconduct through the lens of the Duluth Model.