Communication Patterns in Interpersonal Conflict in Premarria ...

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This study discusses communication patterns in conflict interaction in premarital couples experiencing toxic relationships. A toxic relationship is unhealthy, characterized by unsupportive attitudes, conflicts in which one tries to destroy the other, competition, disrespect, and lack of cohesiveness. This research employed a descriptive method. Data were collected through interviews. The data validity testing was performed using the source triangulation technique. The data analysis technique utilized the Miles and Huberman analysis model, consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification. This study discovered that conflicts experienced by premarital couples experiencing toxic relationships stemmed from different goals, poor communication, and lack of fulfillment of needs. These results revealed that both partners decided to stay in toxic relationships with different conflict resolution strategies. The first partner used the conflict avoidance style, whereas the second one applied the compromise conflict style. Factors influencing the use of conflict resolution styles for the first couple were perceptions of conflict, relationship dominance, and family closeness, whereas the second partner was influenced by emotional attachment and personality factors. The communication patterns adopted are also different, namely, the pattern of unbalanced separation in the first couple and the balance pattern in the second couple.