Breaking the Chains of Oppression and Racial Discrimination of Akhadam Community

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  • Title: Breaking the Chains of Oppression and Racial Discrimination of Akhadam Community: A Critical Study of Al-Muqri’s Novel Black Taste, Black Smell
  • Author(s): Ali Al Subari
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: New Directions in the Humanities
  • Journal Title: The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies
  • Keywords: Akhdam Community, Discrimination, Social Oppression, Marginalization, Yemen
  • Volume: 23
  • Issue: 1
  • Date: August 07, 2024
  • ISSN: 2327-0055 (Print)
  • ISSN: 2327-2376 (Online)
  • DOI:
  • Citation: Al Subari, Ali. 2024. "Breaking the Chains of Oppression and Racial Discrimination of Akhadam Community: A Critical Study of Al-Muqri’s Novel Black Taste, Black Smell." The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies 23 (1): 57-74. doi:10.18848/2327-0055/CGP/v23i01/57-74.
  • Extent: 18 pages

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This article critically examines Al-Muqri’s novel, Black Taste, Black Smell, to explore the oppression and racial discrimination experienced by the Akhdam community in Yemen. The story is a powerful tool in exposing societal prejudices faced by the Black community and portraying the Akhdam community as victims of systematic racial discrimination and social oppression. The objective of this study is to analyze the portrayal of racial discrimination and social oppression faced by the Akhdam community and to understand its impact on them. The article highlights the importance of addressing discrimination and oppression within communities, and postcolonialism theory provides valuable insights into racism, marginalization, and social oppression. This study contributes to discussions on the representation of marginalized communities in literature and how it shapes public awareness around race, identity, and social justice issues. The conclusion emphasizes Al-Muqri’s aim to challenge prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory practices and promote social justice and equality for all Yemenis. It suggests that leaders take action to address the ongoing discrimination and social oppression faced by the Akhdam people and to promote their inclusion in Yemeni society.