The Arts (Drama, Music, Visual Arts)

This series covers Learning by Design modules in the Arts (Drama, Music, and Visual Art) for students who are 3-7 years of age.

  • 41211488171205

    Views: 714

    Bluebell Arts

    Sue Gorman

    Rita van Haren

    Lenita Lindeman

    Liz Baker-Matterson

    Alyssa Audsley

    Ashleigh Brook

    Dianna Resiak

  • 41211487739140

    Views: 648

    Wattle Arts Passion Projects

    Sue Gorman

    Rita van Haren

    Merrilyn Sparks

    Michelle Cooper

    Matthew Weickhardt

    Mike Aspden

    Michelle Hodge

    Christopher Antram

    Kylie O'Leary

  • 41211458990281

    Views: 1,319

    Now and Then: Technology, Family Life, Place and Art

    Rita van Haren

    Tayla Zanotto

    Brooke Calvert

    Sue Gorman

    Tatum Child

    Michelle Cooper

    Trent Gavenlock

    Karla Russell

    Fiona D'Elboux

    David Livingstone

    Mike Aspden

  • 41211449625602

    Views: 1,043

    Amy & Louis: Literature and Drama

    Sue Gorman

    Karla Russell

    Rita van Haren

    Tayla Zanotto

    Kathy Linehan

    Brooke Calvert

    Michelle Cooper

    Tatum Child

    Trent Gavenlock

    David Livingstone

  • 41211449711863

    Views: 817

    Buckets of Bluebells

    Kylie Benning

    Rita van Haren

    Hayley Hinde

    Sue Gorman

    Alyssa Audsley

    Lenita Lindeman

    Liz Baker-Matterson

    Anthea Theodoridis

  • 41211438805999

    Views: 1,208

    Good Vibrations

    Sue Gorman

    Tayla Zanotto

    Mike Aspden

    Rita van Haren

  • 41211421954406

    Views: 530

    Values to the Core!

    Chelsea Kaylock

    Sue Gorman

    Alyssa Audsley

    Christopher Antram

    Rita van Haren

    Michelle Hodge

    Jocelyn James

  • 41211418752188

    Views: 719

    Diving into Books

    Margaret Doykas

    James Gray

    Luke Marsden

    Jayne Queripel

    Robyn Kiddy

    Rita van Haren