About Yousif Elhindi


  • Sudanese-American. Taught at Oklahoma State University before joining ETSU. Research Interests include metaphors and discourse analysis.


  • East Tennessee State University
    • Professor of English, Linguistics Minor Director
    • Department of Literature and Language
    • 2312 Rambling Road
    • August 1998 to Present


  • Oklahoma State University
    • PhD in English
    • August 1990 to January 1995

    graduate student - obtained a PhD in English with concentrastion in linguistics in 1995. I also taught freshman and sophomore classes in composition and linguistics when I was a graduate stuents & I taught graduate classes in TESL and Second Language Acquisition after I obtained my PhD.

  • Oklahoma State University
    • PhD
    • August 1990 to January 1995

    graduate student and graduate teaching assistant - taught classes in composition and intro to linguistics
