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Purpose of Philosophy

The role of philosophy in people’s life is very important. It helps them to understand the most fundamental aspects of existence. This paper tries to specify the ultimate purpose of philosophy, as well as relate it to Machiavelli’s position formulated in The Prince (2012) that “it is better to be feared than loved”. In general, the major purpose of philosophy is creating the coherent worldview of people, as well as guiding their behavior accordingly. Machiavelli’s point of view is applicable only to relationships between the rulers and the ruled, while the rest of the population should interact on the basis of equality and liberty.

Defining the proper purpose of philosophy is a difficult issue as philosophy deals with a large number of questions and problems in abstract in research papers. In particular, it examines the sources of reliable knowledge and principles of ethical behavior. It also evaluates the role of reason in people’s existence, as well as the relationships between language and mind. Any philosophical question demands a correct and precise answer. Such answer should outline the source of the problem, the existing logical paradox, etc. The vast majority of philosophers rely on reason and logical arguments while evaluating alternative positions. In this way, the alternative that allows solving the major contradictions and fits with actual experience is typically selected.

Philosophers often elaborate on such issues as the sense of life, trying to specify the ultimate goal of people’s existence. On this basis, they formulate corresponding ethical recommendations. It seems that the main purpose of philosophy is creating the coherent and non-contradictory worldview. All people are guided by some ideas, but the majority of them are contradictory and not properly integrated. Therefore, they need some general principles that will provide the rationale for their decisions and understanding of the external world.

It seems that philosophy should be not only a pure theoretical science but a practical guide to human action and changes. People should not only understand the essence of ethical behavior, but actually demonstrate this understanding through their actions and behavior. Thus, the position of those people who believe that philosophy is an abstract science that does not relate to the reality and actual people’s experience is completely incorrect.

It is reasonable to examine Machiavelli’s statement that it is better to be feared than loved. It is evident that this principle cannot be universal because all people cannot fear one another as it will destroy the possibility of their cooperation. The existence of a social life demonstrates that fear is not the only feeling present among people. In order to cooperate in a mutually beneficial way, people do not have necessarily to love each other, but they should at least respect each other’s rights and rely on exchange rather than force. However, Machiavelli does not seem to apply this position to all life situations. He does not claim this principle to be universal.

As Machiavelli examines the principles of governance, he tries to specify the optimal system of relationships between the rulers and the ruled. He does not believe that it can be beneficial as one group of people (rulers) always benefit at the expense of another group (the ruled). Therefore, the only way of maintaining the existing status-quo is relying on fear. In this case, the ruled have to obey and fulfill those functions that are assigned to them by the rulers. Machiavelli’s analysis seems to be applicable to this situation. However, if rulers rely exclusively on fear, their power and governance cannot be sustainable.

As Machiavelli evaluates these processes from his historical perspective, his appraisal of governance processes is different from the modern one. It seems that Machiavelli does not believe in democracy and the peaceful resolution of the existing conflicts between people and nations. However, the modern civilized world is mostly able to solve various conflicts and social disputes in a peaceful and mutually beneficial way. At the same time, the cases of aggression and violence still exist, and Machiavelli’s analysis is highly relevant in this context. Philosophy may help modern people to find mutually beneficial solutions. In particular, all individuals and nations should respect the inalienable rights of others and not violate them.

Therefore, the broad questions analyzed by philosophers and those outlined by Machiavelli have a large number of common elements. First, all of them concentrate on the essence of social interactions. Second, they recognize that the interests of representatives of different social groups do not necessarily coincide. Third, they try to provide specific solutions to the existing problems, although their solutions are different. The majority of philosophers propose to promote peace and tolerance, while Machiavelli claims that fear is the optimal method in this context.

It may be concluded that philosophy deals with a large number of important and fundamental issues. However, its ultimate purpose can be formulated as creating the coherent system of people’s beliefs and worldview. This system should include both explaining the external world and guiding people’s behavior in the future. People should not only comprehend all key ethical laws, but also act in accordance with them. Machiavelli poses important questions regarding the relationships between the rulers and the ruled. He seems to be correct in pointing that their relationships can be antagonistic. However, his claim that fear should be viewed as the only means of maintaining the existing social order seems to be controversial. Such social instruments as mutual respect, tolerance, and the recognition of other people’s rights should not be neglected.