Alfred Pie Faabie’s Updates

Country of focus: Ghana

Country of focus: Ghana

Transformative investment:

Invest in a tailored strategies that identify undervaccinated and unvaccinated persons and regularly provide them with the vaccines they need.

Strategies related to the transformative investment:

  1. Identify and examine reasons for unvaccinated and undervaccinated populations
  2. Investigate and address cultural, societal and behavioural baarriers or confidence gaps in immunization
  3. Use Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD) surveillance and campaign monitoring opportunities to identify unvaccinated and undervaccinated children
  4. Improve the friendliness, convinience, efficiency and quality of services at health facilities
  5. Find " invisible children" left out of any system

Three (3) strategies prioritized:

  • Identify and examine reasons for unvaccinated and undervaccinated populations
  • Use VPD surveillance and campaign monitoring opportunities to identify unvaccinated and undervaccinated children
  • Improve on friendliness, convinience, efficiency and quality of services at health facilities.

Reasons for the priorities:

Coverages within Ghana in general for most of the antigens has been below the National standard of 85% and above meanwhile the population keep increasing the days goes by. This means that there are still a number of children unvaccinated or undervaccinated due to some factors which need to be unearthed to ensure all children are vaccinated.

Frequently organized national immunization campaigns or either national or localized "mop-up" are some of the good opportunities to identifying unvaccinated children in both rural and urban certain. Similarly, it is imperative to use VDP surveillance as opportunities to look out for or monitor unvaccinated or unserved populations.

Exploring health worker - client relationship and the perception of clients on the importance of vaccination activities. Accessibilty should be at the convinient of the client, efficiency and quality need to be ensured at various health facilities to improve on patronage.