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Assigment 3

                       After reading the conduct from Google, we can say that most of this is of course developed to protect themselves from any unlawful actions. I do notice a great connection to the importance of ethical values.  As mentioned in our introduction to this assignment there is a big different between legal, and morality. I believe this conduct represents both of them well, and it’s a good overlap in order to keep the company in good shape. Being hired by them sounds like a win, win relationship. “you don’t mess up up , we don’t fire you”.I did notice the part where it mentions the press I am assuming a big scandal would hurt their company, if being a big person for the company, and if they get caught with fraud of consumers or some sort of break of the law.  This would affect them in a negative way, bad press equals bad reputation. Even though this code of conduct is based on a great overlap that shadows both: ethical, and lawful values, it is at the end of the day for the wellbeing of the company. Corporations do live for making profits, and you would think that in order for this to be continuous you would need regulations that are applied efficiently in the workplace. Sincerely sometimes it is sad that we need to include this in regulations, we need to write in a piece of paper where it tells that we must go back to that one human thing you would think it’s almost common sense, ethical values.