Denia Zamora Candela Denia’s Updates

Assignment 1 (update 3):

I have personally worked around regulations, and state guidelines. I have witness attempts to pass audits by shifting things around/making last minute changes. For instance adding a signature that had been originally forgotten, and signing before the auditor found it missing. Really it has not been major, but while witnessing it I could not help but to wonder if what it was being done was right. It seemed as if the purpose of the auditing was to find out what aspects of the office could improve on. While the office was focusing more on passing the audit. Many times, they would initial things last minute in order to cover the fact that things did not get properly documented. The worse came when signatures and initials were forged. I think that it simply the office should have taken responsibility for the missing information, instead of filling in things last minute in order to get a better review in their audit. Though when I spoke to one of the office team members, they mentioned that those things were in fact not a big deal, since it was just “one signature”. The person I spoke to said also that they would be more concerned if the type of error was of greater gravity.

The most amazing part of this is that eventually, I found myself comfortable with the explanation they had given me. It stopped me from continuing questioning their actions. As if forging a signature is ever right. I guess in this instance what made me feel “at peace”, is the gravity of it. Fortunely enough I did not see anything else being “corrected” before the auditors got there everything else seemed to follow protocol. I did wish I continued questioning their reasons why they felt they needed to initial, or sign last minute. Shouldn’t that tell them something about their ability to follow up with documentation, and signage.  

  • Kenneth Rauen