Andreina Galvez Andreina’s Updates

Assignment 8

In mostly every business you will see the diversification in people's work ethics and values. It is hard to join a company and not have different opinions than others you are working with. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and have different morals on what they believe is right or wrong. If I had to work with a group that thought differently than I did, I would more than glad to see what their point of views are.  You have to give a chance to see things in different perspectives and have to give others a chance to have an opinion. A great example could be seen from the International Business Ethics article where it states "to refer to or to construct lists of norms". Writing down each other's ideas and seeing which one  gets the job done with no conflict is the solution. It is all about communication and the willingness to accept a change of thought or ideas. I took a business class called Organizational Behavior where we talked about these kinds of things and how to deal with different norms and working with international people. The most I got out of that lesson is to keep my own morals and respect but be willing to accept change if it benefits your work. There is no reason being hard headed just because someone has different views than you do. Also, being a woman I feel has it's downfalls because men tend to look down on you and don't believe that you have the same capability as they do, therefore at that point you have to stand up for yourself.

  • Kenneth Rauen