Activity Stream

  • JakeBonnici

    JakeBonnici starred an update by JakeBonnici

    Task - Week 9

    Starred at November 18, 2019

  • Jake Bonnici

    Jake Bonnici posted a new update…

    Task - Week 9

    What desirable characteristics would you most like in your personal pedagogical agent?

    Well one of the most important thing in AI in Education is the learner's profile and for a pedagogical agent to be able to build and use one would be most benefi...More

  • Matthias Attard

    Matthias Attard posted a new update…

    Project Proposal - Powtoon


    I decided to tackle this project using an amazing software called Powtoon. Powtoon is a web-based animation software that allows its users to create fun, animated presentations by using pre-create objects, importing images and music to creat...More

  • Clive Attard

    Clive Attard two new peers:

  • Jake Bonnici

    Jake Bonnici added interests Machine Learning and Game AI.

    Added on September 30, 2019

  • Matthias Attard

    Matthias Attard has one new peer:

  • Jake Bonnici

    Jake Bonnici two new peers:

  • Matthias Attard

    Matthias Attard joined one community:

    Added on September 23, 2019

  • Jake Bonnici

    Jake Bonnici joined one community:

    Added on September 23, 2019

  • Clive Attard

    Clive Attard joined one community:

    Added on September 23, 2019