Activity Stream

  • Ava Kerr

    Ava Kerr posted a new update…

    3.1 Arts Integration in STEM and Teacher Self Efficacy

    Integrating the arts into STEM is a pedagogical approach that gives students the opportunity to grapple with real-world science-based problems by cultivating students’ creativity and ingenuity. Thibaut et al. (2018) determined that the interdiscipli...More

  • Jim Dunagan

    Jim Dunagan three new peers:

  • Trevor Aleo

    Trevor Aleo changed their profile image.

    Changed at December 10, 2023

  • Trevor Aleo

    Trevor Aleo posted a new update…

    3.2 Qualitative Case Study

    The dissertation examples I read kept focused on their question and used methods that were appropriately aligned to answer that question. Considering how entangled so many educational processes are with each other, I felt it was important that the e...More

  • Arikpo Dada

    Arikpo Dada joined one community:

    Added on April 03, 2023

  • Trevor Aleo

    Trevor Aleo joined one community:

    Added on March 21, 2023

  • Trevor Aleo

    Trevor Aleo edited their profile information.

    Edited on March 08, 2023

  • Arikpo Dada

    Arikpo Dada joined one community:

    Added on March 06, 2023

  • Trevor Aleo

    Trevor Aleo has one new peer:

  • Trevor Aleo

    Trevor Aleo edited their profile information.

    Edited on February 28, 2023

  • Jim Dunagan

    Jim Dunagan two new peers:

  • Jim Dunagan

    Jim Dunagan joined one community:

    Added on January 16, 2023

  • Ava Kerr

    Ava Kerr joined one community:

    Added on November 22, 2022

  • Jim Dunagan

    Jim Dunagan joined one community:

    Added on October 10, 2022

  • Trevor Aleo

    Trevor Aleo joined one community:

    Added on July 30, 2022