Activity Stream

  • Helen Tang

    Helen Tang has one new peer:

  • Helen Tang

    Helen Tang has one new peer:

  • Helen Tang

    Helen Tang has one new peer:

  • Helen Tang

    Helen Tang has one new peer:

  • Helen Tang

    Helen Tang posted a new update…

    Personalised and adaptive learning for learners with dyslexia ( Essential Update #7)

    Dyslexia can be defined simply as “ the difficulty in acquiring reading, spelling and writing skills.” The video below provides a short introduction to dyslexia. 


    As noted by Athanasaki et al “ Poor reading skills have an impact on the voca...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Helen Tang posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Knowledge Building as a form of Collective Intelligence

    The concept of knowledge building was pioneered by Scardamalia and Bereiter and can be defined as “the production and continual improvement of ideas of value to a community”. It incorporates the principles of collaborative intelligence as it is fund...More

  • Helen Tang

    Helen Tang has one new peer:

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Helen Tang posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Building multiliteracy through digital storytelling

    Digital Storytelling combines “ the art of telling stories with a variety of multimedia, including graphics, audio, video, and Web publishing.”

    Originally conceived as a form of expression for personal narratives, digital storytelling today can be...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Helen Tang posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    The use of online project spaces in active knowledge making - a focus on wikis ( Essential Update #2)

    The concept of an online project space is not currently well defined in academic or other literature. With the help of Tatyana Dumova , however it can be defined as a web based space where groups of learners can work together to achieve common goals...More

  • e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    Helen Tang posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC

    The Flipped Classroom: A true example of ubiquitous learning in action?? ( Essential Update #1)

    Whilst popularised by Salman Khan of Khan Academy the flipped classroom was originally pioneered by Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann.    

    Bishop and Verleger define the flipped classroom as “an educational technique that consists of two parts: in...More

  • Helen Tang

    Helen Tang changed their profile image.

    Changed at October 20, 2016

  • Helen Tang

    Helen Tang joined three communities:

    Added on October 20, 2016

  • Helen Tang

    Helen Tang joined two communities:

    Added on October 20, 2016

  • Helen Tang

    Helen Tang joined one community:

    Added on October 20, 2016