Mindy Dyson’s Updates

Update 3: Apex Learning


Apex is a digital curriculum that promotes learning with immediate results. This curriculum supports the needs of all students including struggling and accelerated learners. The Apex Program is used for middle and high school students with a variety of learning needs. Their mission is described as:

The flexibility of our online courses empowers your student to take control of their learning by letting them choose when and where they work. Our caring staff of certified teachers, online tutors, and school counselors surround your student with the support they need to become a confident independent learner, successful in school and life. (https://www.apexlearningvs.com/)

Apex learning is not only flexible but self-driven. Students are able to control when, where, and how quickly they complete assignments. Students work independently but have the opportunity to work with certified teachers, online tutors, and school counselors. This alternative learning environment allows students to earn credit outside of the typical classroom environment. Learning plans are customized to the learning needs of each student. The learning plans can involve earning credit for graduation requirements, improving grades or accelerating learning. This program allows students to work through the school year and/or over the course of the summer. The following video describes how the courses are flexible and interactive for students. 

Media embedded November 1, 2020

Apex Learning. (2019, May 29). Student experience: See our courses in action. Retrieved November 01, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkkwXv8ybLE

There is much controversy over using Apex as a learning platform. Some believe that students do not achieve success in this environment but rather struggle even more. Stephen Smiley writes that “Some researchers and teachers argue the trend fundamentally undermines the integrity of a high school diploma while supporters, including scores of school administrators and politicians, counter that online learning better equips students for an increasingly virtual world and gives more students the opportunity to graduate.” (2017) Watch the following video for student experience using Apex Learning.

Media embedded November 1, 2020

Apex Learning. (2020, June 27). Student experience with apex learning for remote learning. Retrieved November 01, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnHJLdUVNoA

On the contrary, some students feel like they are more capable to learn in this type of environment. From the same article by Stephen Smiley, “Kevin Graves, 18, likes online courses largely for the same reasons as his administrators: The courses are more entertaining than watching night-school videos, and there’s more freedom, too. And, even more important, online credit recovery makes it easier to graduate” (2017)

Regardless of the views on Apex, this platform enables students to use a personalized learning environment that meets their needs rather than a typical classroom environment.

Apex Learning. (2019, May 29). Student experience: See our courses in action. Retrieved November 01, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkkwXv8ybLE

Apex Learning. (2020, June 27). Student experience with apex learning for remote learning. Retrieved November 01, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnHJLdUVNoA

Smiley, S. (2017, May 23). Fast. Isolating. Superficial.: What class is like for the millions of high-schoolers now taking courses online. Slate. doi:https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/05/what-class-is-like-for-high-schoolers-taking-their-courses-online.html