Jefferey Peck’s Updates

Assignment 21: Digital Media Log. Phil 302

Jefferey Peck Digital Media log for PHil 302

My online behavior illustrates a for non-interference and quietness in most online interactions,as most of my online behavior occurs to accomplish specific tasks such as educating myself on cyberethics, checking the traffic or checking my financial information. More social interactions such as Facebook and Youtube are a secondary internet use. I think this reflects my skepticism of the potential for truly meaningful online interaction. Generally, online I'm much more serious than I am in real life because without the aid of facial expressions and bodily cues the meaning and intention behind words can easily become clouded through uncarefully posted text.I also probably want to and try to project professionalism and thoughtfulness through my internet use to try and maintain a stoic internet profile, that may benefit me in future career pursuits. In this way I am neither friendly and affirming or a deceitful troll in my online interactions. I would categorize myself primarily as an observer. I would hire someone like myself because I seem to have a functional work ethic, a non-confrontational attitude, and dedication to the tasks I choose to undertake.. In relating to my online profile, I don't believe there is anything existing presently online that would discourage an employer from hiring me. I think my online behavior could be improved by increasing my responsiveness to contacts that I already know. For some reason, responding to emails often becomes a chore to me and I end up putting it off, occasionally to my own detriment. If I overcame this desire to procrastinate I think I would better reflect my personal code of ethics by treating other sentient beings more as if they were myself and getting back to them in a more timely manner. Although my perspective may be extremely biased, I don't see my online life getting in the way of my real life. I feel most of my computer usage is for the benefit of both my online and real life. I believe I was aware of all of the ethical issues associated with my online life, but this couse has given greater specificity to the exact ethical issue at hand (( such as facebook ad profiling) that previously I held a less informed and nuanced perspective on. This course has encouraged me to maintain my skepticism of the value of many of my internet activities.