About Nancy White


  • I'm a learner, grandma, chocoholic and jill of all trades. I have developed practices in online and offline facilitation, distributed group learning and work, mostly in the NGO/NPO context. I teach, speak, write, and workshop on a wide range of topi...More


  • Full Circle Associates
    • Founder and everything else!
    • January 1997 to Present


  • Duke University
    • BA
    • August 1976 to May 1980

    Marine Botany, with lots of attention to public policy and musical theater. Go figure!


  • Liberating Structures

  • Learning

  • Agriculture

  • International Development

  • Communities Of Practice

  • Online Facilitation

  • Facilitation

  • Graphic Facilitation

  • Visual Facilitation

  • Chocolate

  • Social Learning
