Wieteke Overbeek’s Shares

  • Week 1: Community Assignment - Wieteke Overbeek

    Dear Amelia, Thank you for your email regarding the multi-agency joint assessment and your request for a preliminary RGA concerning the situation in Kirkuk. As such, please find the RGA attached and the assessment’s key findings below, predominantly focusing on Protection and WASH sectors. Please do mind that these are preliminary findings based on secondary literature. This should provide a starting-point to extent and deepen our analysis and triangulate information with additional secondary and primary sex and age disaggregated data (SADD). Key findings: - Gender & demographics: o Both amongst IDPs as well as the returnee population in Kirkuk, the female to male ratio is remarkably high compared to the country’s average - Gender Roles & Responsibilities: o In Kirkuk, overall decision-making usually lies with the male head of household. o In times of insecurity and displacement, Gender Role Swaps have been documented, increasing women’s role in decision-making and provision. - Protection o The protection risks differ considerably in type and likelihood for different sex and age groups o Specific vulnerable group: Female-headed households o GBV disproportionally affects women and girls in Karuk o Type of GBV most commonly reported in Kirkuk is sexual harassment o Both women and men have reported high levels of psychological trauma - WASH o Surveys have shown that latrines are now not adapted to specific needs based on sex and age o Especially in out-of-camp settings, a key challenge is to collect clean and affordable water o In 54% of HHs, men are responsible for collecting water I hope that this preliminary RGA provides you a brief insight in Kirkuk’s gender dynamics which you can up in your consideration for the joint-assessment. Please do let me know in case you have any follow-up questions. Best regards, Wieteke Overbeek