Kelsey Outlaw’s Updates

Outlaw Update 1

When reading about Skinners learning machines this week I immediately thought of new learning technology. I use adaptedmind with my students which is an online learning tool. The students being by taking a pretest that guides them through the assessment based on each answer they are guided to more difficult questions. They then are taken to the main site where they are tracked and guided through different video lessons, activities and practice with skills the system believes the student needs work with based on the assessment. Students are allowed to work at their own pace and as they move through the levels they receive frequent feedback and rewards (badges, certificates etc) for completing lessons. Given that I use the site with my students I do like certain aspects of it. However, I use it sparingly to provide the students with additional practice with the skills we work on in class. Online learning tools like this are helpful when used in moderation in conjuction with various other forms of teaching. Student's are not provided with the opportunity to collaborate, or engage in a higher level of thinking with such one on one (student to computer) learning. I joke all the time that eventually teachers will become obsolete and students will recieve their entire education through an online tool. However, according to Skinner, such learning machines would be more successful!