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Data Quality and Use Supportive Supervision

The aim is to assess level and use of quality Routine Immunization data in Katsina State, Nigeria.

The specific objectives are to determine level of discrepancies between reporting datasets and elements in Health Management Information Systems, to triangulate Health facilities and Local Government Area (LGA) records with that of DHIS2 and SMS RI records and to build the capacities of health workers on effective and efficient data management.

Methods and Materials entails purposive sampling of LGAs and HFs with known data quality issues based on analysed data on the DHIS2 and SMS RI platforms. Development and use of electronic checklist deployed on an ODK for data capture and analysis. Firstly, Field spots check will be carried out and analysis done to categorize LGAs on levels of data quality. Secondly, rationalized capacity training schedule will be developed to serve the targeted LGA health workers.

It is expected that the study will improve health workers capacity on proper data management and use of data for planning, monitoring and evaluation of health programs.