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Didactic Training / Pedagogy. Definition: Pedagogy is derived from an ancient Greek word referring to the science of teaching in a disciplined manner. In a training context, it is normally understood as defining the process of instructional training - with the tutor telling the student or group what to do.

The last part explains it all. I think that learning is a 2 way street. We have to be able to talk and not just sit there and listen all day. We need to make it so that there is more of a converstation about learning and not just throwing the information at you and hoping you learn. I think that we need to make it intresting and move away from typical classroom setups. In my sons kindergarden class room they have group desks that 3 or 4 kids share. It allows the other kids to help and learn from each other, While that is a good think it makes me think about when i was in school that we were taught in the Diadactic way and we seem to be more respectfiul then kids now. But thats another bag of worms that im not going into. I like how some states are now joining what some schools in europe do and have forest schools. Were they spend all day out side doing things and the kids learn from the teachers and the teachers learn from the kids. Below is a link that explains more.

T. (2009, August 17). TrainingZONE Glossary: Pedagogy/Didactic training. Retrieved September 15, 2017, from