Joshua Lieb’s Updates


I was watching the videos and they talked about how most people are told that in order to get a good job you need a degree. Un fortune its true 90 Percent of the time. I had my AAS degree in Computer Science and no one would even look at my resume because it didn’t say BS of Computer science. I could do everything that someone with a BS degree could do but just because I didn’t have the degree they wouldn’t hire me. When hiring people now they don’t look at the experience that someone has they look at the degrees. For jobs like doctors and lawyers yes you should have degrees. I think that experience is something that shouldn’t be over looked. I know people that have over 20 years of project management experience can’t get a job doing it just because someone said that they need to take a test to show that they know how to do there what they have been doing for 20 years. I was lucky for the job that i have they looked at what I knew and not what degrees I had. I believe that we need to get away from looking at what kind of degree someone has and look at what there experience is and how they can help a company. Im now in a postion with my company that i help with hiring and even if someone still doesnt have a degree they are on a even playing field with someone that has a degree.