Cristina Eluf’s Updates

teacher education in northeast Brazil public communities of practice

Since my doctoral studies (2007-2010_USP_SP Brazil), and specially after my sabbatical studies (2018_2019_USP_SP), I have been much more concerned (than I used to be in the 1990s) about pre-service english teaching, mainly in northeast brazilian public communities of practice- more specifically in Bahia (since 2011). My teaching of the english language started some time ago, in 1993, in private institutions in São Paulo. However, based on some of the most recent studies on (multi)-critical literacies and technological trends, I have been (re)constructing my praxis in Bahia, trying to go about understanding the "use of english" as a fluid, mobile, (trans) global movement from a more "localized spatial" viewpoint constructed along the last nine years.