Lai Lam’s Updates

Update 4: Bullying- Victim and Bully?

When I watch this week’s videos about bullying at school, the first thing that came to mind is the comic that I’ve read a few months ago on a site called Webtoon. It focuses on the seriousness of bullying and how people don’t pay enough attention to it. It circled around this main character and how his life was ruined because he was bullied at school. However, he then somehow changed souls with the bully and that completely changed his life as the bully stood up for himself (as the victim). One thing that I’ve learned in that comic is that often times we only think that the involving parts are the victim and the bully, but it’s actually more than that. Another part that plays a major role is actually the bystanders who are just looking and not doing anything when these bullying acts take place. It sadden me how some people are not willing to stand up for others. Below is a video on the importance of a bystander’s power. I believe that it is extremely important to teach our community on how to stand up for other as your actions can make a change.

Media embedded July 17, 2021