Lai Lam’s Updates

Update 3-Social Thinking in Children

Media embedded July 8, 2021

What is Social Thinking? - YouTube

Our social thinking abilities are part of our social-emotional intelligence. This intelligence is neurologically based and is continuously developing from birth. As the social mind develops, we are able to understand motives, recognize our own and others' emotions, develop empathy and deeper social relationships. We, as humans, are curious by nature, which lead us to think socially. We think about the people around us and how everything else relates to us. For children, the best way for them to exercise their social mind is through play and I often witness some really interesting interactions between my students during playtime or dramatic time. This is the time when they use their imagination to interact with their peers and express their thoughts. During this time, they are also practicing their social and language skills. As they play, they learn to be more aware of their actions and how it affects the other people.

Media Reference:

What is Social Thinking? - YouTube