Kristi Bandy’s Updates

Earning Laces through Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a part of operant conditioning. Through positive reinforcement, the behavior is reinforced encouraging the behavior to occur again. As a middle school basketball coach, I have created a system to reinforce repetition of specific basketball skills to aid in the development of my players. I call this system Earning Laces. I explain to all the players it is a unique reward to earn laces and it demonstrates hard work, perseverance, and skill of the game. Then, I explain the parameters of earning laces and the different levels of skills to be achieved.

Level 1—Blue Laces

Make 5/10 free throws, 10 lay ups in 30 seconds, around the world shooting in 30 seconds, 12 second down and back

Level 2—Yellow Laces

Make 8/10 free throws, 15 lay ups in 30 seconds, around the world shooting in 20 seconds, 9 second down and back

Players can try as many times as they would like to earn their laces. Students are encouraged to practice and try to achieve level 1 first, and then practice more to earn level 2. When students meet all expectations for the given level, he/she obtains their laces. The player then can put the laces in their shoes and be proud of their accomplishment. This encourages other players to work hard to gain this reinforcement, as well. A student repetitively practicing their skills increases the likelihood they will be able to perform at this level in the future. This helps build team cohesion, individual player’s skills, and boost self-confidence.

If a student attempts to earn their laces and does not succeed, I provide verbal positive reinforcement to practice and try again. I provide feedback and suggestions to the player to improve for the next attempt. Therefore, even if a player does not immediately succeed and earn the desired outcome, he/she is still praised because he/she tried and can continue to improve to achieve the desired outcome. While the immediate reinforcement is not material, the encouragement and praise will help keep the player’s morale high in hopes he/she will attempt again and succeed.

[Image result for positive reinforcement]